Glass or Plastic: Which Type of Medical Ampule is Right for Your Needs?

Medical ampules (also spelled ampoules) are small, sealed glass or plastic containers used to store and transport medication. They are a popular form of sterile packaging for pharmaceutical products and are typically used for injections, infusions, and other medical procedures that require precise dosing. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using medical ampules, the different types available, and how to safely open them for use.

Benefits of Using Medical Ampules

Medical ampules are designed to be completely sterile, which helps to prevent contamination and the spread of infection. This is especially important in healthcare settings where patients may have weakened immune systems.

Long shelf life
The sealed nature of medical ampules helps to extend the shelf life of medication by protecting it from external elements such as light, air, and moisture. This is important for medications that may degrade quickly when exposed to these elements.

Accurate dosing
Medical ampules are designed to hold a precise amount of medication, which helps to ensure that patients receive the correct dosage. This is especially important for medications that have a narrow therapeutic index, meaning that they can be toxic at higher doses.

Protection against external elements
Medical ampules are made of glass or plastic and are designed to protect medication from external elements such as light, air, and moisture. This helps to maintain the potency and effectiveness of the medication.

Types of Medical Ampules

Amber glass ampules are designed to protect medication from light, which can cause degradation. They are often used for medications that are sensitive to light or that have a short shelf life.

Clear glass ampules are a popular choice for medications that are not sensitive to light. They offer good visibility of the medication and are often used for vaccines and antibiotics.

Colored plastic ampules are a more cost-effective option than glass ampules. They are often used for medications that do not require protection from light or have a longer shelf life.

How to Open Medical Ampules

When opening a medical ampule, it is important to take precautions to prevent injury and contamination. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to safely open a medical ampule:

  • Gather the necessary equipment: You will need an alcohol swab, a gauze pad, and a sterile filter needle or straw.
  • Clean the top of the ampule: Use the alcohol swab to clean the top of the ampule where you will be opening it.
  • Protect your fingers: Wrap the gauze pad around the neck of the ampule to protect your fingers from the sharp edges.
  • Break off the top: Using your other hand, firmly snap off the top of the ampule at the scored line.
  • Draw up the medication: Use the sterile filter needle or straw to draw up the medication from the ampule.
  • Dispose of the ampule and needle properly: Medical ampules and needles should be disposed of in a sharps container to prevent injury and contamination.


Medical ampules are an important form of sterile packaging in the healthcare industry. They offer a range of benefits, including sterility, long shelf life, accurate dosing, and protection against external elements. When using medical ampules, it is important to choose the right type and to take precautions to prevent injury and contamination when opening them. By following these guidelines, healthcare providers can ensure that their patients receive safe and effective medication.

Ensure safe and compliant disposal of medical ampules and other medical waste.
361-887-8386 for a free quote from Premier Bio Waste today!